05 | Social Responsibility Progress has been in our DNA since 1879, when twelve women defied convention to become our first students. Today’s students may look di昀昀erent, but they retain the same passionate commitment to tackling the key issues facing the world right now. INCLUSIVITY S ANCTU AR Y INCLUSIVITY SANCTUARY We are leading multiple initiatives to 3 5 million people belo w the age of 18 We are leading multiple initiatives to 35 million people below the age of 18 honour our founding promise to hav e been f or cibly displac ed b y w ar honour our founding promise to have been forcibly displaced by war ‘include the excluded’ and tackle and human rights violations – only 1% ‘include the excluded’ and tackle and human rights violations – only 1% contemporary inequities. We support of whom go into higher educa tion. Our contemporary inequities. We support of whom go into higher education. Our an annual BAME Formal for students c ommunity is w orking t o change tha t an annual BAME Formal for students community is working to change that across Oxford and a BAME Scholarship. s ta tis tic b y making our c ollege a plac e across Oxford and a BAME Scholarship. statistic by making our college a place We also promote events that platform of sanctuary and welc ome thr ough our We also promote events that platform of sanctuary and welcome through our BAME and LGBQT+ culture, and our new Sanctuary Scholarships and our BAME and LGBQT+ culture, and our new Sanctuary Scholarships and our JCR and MCR Equality and Diversity w ork as one of the UK’ s firs t e v er JCR and MCR Equality and Diversity work as one of the UK’s first ever Officers have led on initiatives such as CColleges of Sanctuaryolleges of Sanctuary.. Officers have led on initiatives such as the provision of gender-neutral toilets. the provision of gender-neutral toilets. SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY Somerville was one of the first colleges Somerville was one of the first colleges to divest from fossil fuels and our to divest from fossil fuels and our Sustainability Working Group is now Sustainability Working Group is now hard at work on a comprehensive hard at work on a comprehensive programme to decarbonise the college programme to decarbonise the college by 2040. Over 50% of all meals eaten by 2040. Over 50% of all meals eaten at Somerville are already vegetarian or at Somerville are already vegetarian or vegan and we are in the process of vegan and we are in the process of moving to energy-efficient appliances, moving to energy-efficient appliances, lighting and insulation. lighting and insulation. | 13

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