02 | Principal’s Welcome When it comes to choosing your college, it is not a question of which one is best – because they’re all exceptional. The question is which college is right for you. That’s why the best piece of advice I can o昀昀er is also the simplest – by telling you why I love this college and feel privileged to serve as its Principal. For me, there’s a real excitement in the Of course, I’m only one person. In the air at Somerville. An optimism that coming pages, other people will tell comes from knowing that every day you that they love Somerville because there are good people doing good we’re the friendliest college in Oxford, things all around me – working not or because you’re guaranteed a room just for themselves but for others every year of your degree. They’re as they build on the pioneering right, of course. And if you come here, achievements of our founders and I know you’ll find your own reasons for learn to change the world. loving Somerville. After all, it will be your college. BARONESS JAN ROYALL, PRINCIPAL 06 |

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